Taking to the skies for charity

Skydiving isn’t on everyone’s bucket list, but for two ICG designers, it can’t come soon enough!

Sarah and Nicola will be tandem skydiving from 15,000ft on May 21st to raise money for the East Africa Crisis Appeal and are hoping to raise £700 for the worthy cause.

More than 16 million people in East Africa are on the brink of starvation and urgently need food, water and medical treatment.

Just £25 could provide a month’s supply of life-saving peanut paste to a malnourished child, £60 could provide clean drinking water for two families for a month and £100 could provide supplies to a clinic treating severely malnourished children for a week.

Although most of us aren’t quite as brave as Nicola and Sarah, we’ll be there to show our support and cheer the girls on when they fall from the sky and land in Cumbria!

The East Africa Crisis Appeal is being organised by the Disasters Emergency Committee. To make a donation click here. Any donation, big or small, is greatly appreciated.