2015, the year of…

What will 2015 have in store for you? It’s that time of the year when we all put our plans into action!

The start of the New Year wouldn’t be the same without making New Year’s resolutions. A few have been talked about in the office; everything from making more cups of tea to eating less biscuits and exercising more. We won’t spill the beans on who the resolutions belong to!

Aside from our resolutions, 2015 has already got off to a great start. We’ve recently had a number of new client wins including storage systems company Brysdales, and North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, and we’re busy working on new projects for James Sharp Stockbrokers and IVECO.

In addition, the ICG team has expanded; Sam Lees-Pinson joins the digital department in a junior developer role and Jane Hunter joins as new business development, bringing the total to 18 in the team!