All aboard! ICG designs eye-catching tram wrap for Freeport Fleetwood

Want to ride a seagull? This might seem a little far-fetched but get yourself down to Blackpool this summer, hop aboard the Freeport Fleetwood branded tram and you can do just that!

ICG has created the eye-catching designs for the Lancashire based outlet shopping centre’s tram, featuring iconic seaside elements: seagulls, an extra large bucket and spade, and the classic ‘wish you were here’ holiday slogan. If you happen to be sat in the middle carriage of the tram with a window seat, to the outside world it may just look like you are flying away on a seagull!

If you see the tram on your travels, Freeport Fleetwood is encouraging users to tweet any photos with the hashtags #SelfieTram and #FFis20.


Picture credit: Alan Robson