Blooming success with prime time TV show Love Your Garden

ICG has been working hand in hand with Blackpool Zoo for almost a decade, so we have got to know the staff and really wild residents very well.

After witnessing the dedication and hard work of the keepers 365 days of a year, we wanted to surprise them with a very special treat. 

We researched several options and came across the perfect opportunity – the ITV prime time show Love Your Garden! 

Cue Alan Titchmarsh and his crew of amazing horticulturists, landscapers and gardening experts.

We nominated Assistant Head Keeper JohnPaul Houston, who lives on site at Blackpool Zoo, and his team of trusty keepers for a garden makeover with a difference….and were on cloud nine when they called to say our friend had made the shortlist!

The PR team sprung into action arranging the logistics of a surprise visit by Alan and the team to break the good news to JohnPaul. 

That was just the beginning and the next few months were a flurry of activity as we set the wheels in motion to transform the keepers’ barren patch of grass into an inspirational and relaxing space.

Interviews with the ICG team and JohnPaul’s friends, family and workmates were organised and scheduled and we helped the team with product ideas to add personal touches.

After days of filming, the garden was almost complete, with the unveiling set for a lovely July evening. Except that lovely evening turned into a rather lively evening with horrendous thunderstorms almost washing away the hopes and dreams of our PR team!

More phone calls, emergency electricians and a last minute dash to re-lay a washed away path and Alan was proudly showing JohnPaul his new, breathtaking outdoor space.

The resulting one-hour programme on prime time TV, featuring our very own PR Manager Paula Holden was worth every minute of work! The keepers have been enjoying the garden ever since and members of the public have also been keen to get a peek of it too.