Creating a website for patient-led charity 

ICG supported Cauda Equina Champions Charity to help its team create and deliver a new digital presence to reach out to patients, communities and stakeholders. 


We delivered a new website and enhanced identity, creating a platform to raise awareness of the cauda equina syndrome, attract donations and meet the charity’s aims.


Cauda Equina syndrome is a set of symptoms that are experienced when the spinal nerves are compressed in the lower back; symptoms can range from leg weakness to bowel disturbance and can lead to permanent disability.


We designed the website with intuitive navigation to provide a wide range of easily accessible information.


We took the existing brand colours of red and black and softened them to make the brand more appealing. We also introduced the use of  illustrations to help humanise the narrative and provide visual signals.


From personal stories to signposting for legal advice and patient referrals, we designed the web pages to ensure key messaging and calls to action were instantly understood.


We also created a patient pack and suite of social assets and templates.


When the website went live, we had some great client feedback.


“Thank you so much for the website I am looking through it, and I’m blown away. It’s totally fab thank you!”