Getting in Warton’s good books this Christmas

When word went out for donations of books and jigsaws for the Warton Book Exchange, team ICG came up with the goods for our Give Back Fridays.

A great selection of Terry Pratchetts and classics including the Just So Stories and the Life of Pi were just some of the donations we collected.

The Warton Book Exchange is a great community facility that provides an important focus for people living in the village and surrounding area.

It is organised by volunteers of the Village Hall Trust which is currently working on a plan to create a new space in the heart of the village for community activities.

As well as donating books and jigsaws, we also made a financial donation towards the cost of the new community space.

Steph Hornby, Chair of the Village Hall Trust, said:

Thank you so much for the donations. It’s the sort of thing that really impacts our community – that people can access books and jigsaws without having to pay for them, it means they can try new things. It is amazing.