ICG given mammoth task!

We love it when a plan comes together, especially when it involves not one, but two of our clients and our full range of services here at ICG.

Long standing client, Blackpool Zoo, is set to open the doors on its single biggest investment this summer, a state-of-the-art Elephant House, and the marketing team tasked ICG with finding an engaging way to involve its little visitors.

Our PR team worked with the award-winning attraction and fellow ICG client, EPSL Educational Printing, to pull together a nationwide competition to ask school children to help decorate the indoor area with stunning artwork and video news reports.

ICG’s design department created a competition brand that was rolled out onto entry forms, e-newsletters, social media, websites, press releases and much more.

Our digital team created a web page to host the entry forms as well as an eye catching e-marketing campaign that was sent to the educational databases of each client.

Press release, social media advertising campaigns and direct engagement with online influencers got the competition off to a great start.

Thousands of web page visits, hundreds of application downloads and wide spread press coverage has resulted in more than 100 entries so far, with over a month to go until the final deadline.

With lots more exciting promotions in the pipeline the competition is sure to be a mammoth success!