ICG pumped about creative campaign

Who doesn’t love free parking? Co Durham based outlet shopping centre, Dalton Park recently increased its free parking facilities so put ICG’s design team in the driving seat to promote the new spaces.

With a newly built cinema complex and additional restaurants coming soon, the centre needed to prepare for the upcoming parking demand so has boosted its car park capacity to 1,500.

ICG’s design team produced creative for leaflets, petrol pumps, outdoor media as well as online graphics for Dalton Park’s website and social media profiles. The team really got in the spirit of things with a leaflet design inspired by a black and yellow parking ticket.

In addition to the creative collateral, the shopping centre used guerrilla marketing style tactics as part of the overall campaign. They sent staff dressed as traffic wardens into Durham city centre with leaflets promoting the new parking facilities.

Next time you’re in the North East and looking for somewhere to park, don’t forget Dalton Park where it’s ‘always free parking’!