ICG’s Wellbeing Week

Breathe in, hold… and breathe out…

There was plenty of this during our Wellbeing Week as we recentred, refocused and found our inner calm in a series of activities that spread a little joy around the studio. 

Monday saw the team take five minutes at the start of the week for a little mindfulness and meditation.

It was a helpful reminder to take those five minutes a little more often – time to completely switch off from our screens. Five minutes is longer than you think…

Our resident yogi, Julie led a lunchtime yoga session on Tuesday allowing the team to head into the afternoon feeling zen with positive vibes only. Our tree poses could do with some practice so maybe we’ll be doing these sessions more regularly! 

Hump day started off the right way with a hearty and healthy breakfast. Croissants, fresh fruit, porridge and fresh muffins were on the menu as we were kindly reminded that sometimes ‘it’s ok to not be ok’ and we have each other to talk to if we ever need it!

Comedy Thursday was nothing but laughs and giggles as we completed a ‘how well do you know your colleagues’ quiz as well as an endless thread of dad jokes throughout the day.

We rounded Wellbeing Week off with a visit to our virtual pub via Google Meet, where we shared a drink and caught up remotely before finishing Friday a touch early to start the weekend off with a bang. 

The week was a huge success and gave us all the boost we needed during a very wet and dreary November. We’re already planning our next event for 2024.