Local foodbank receives bumper delivery

For week three of our ‘Give Back Fridays’ campaign we kept it super local, just down the road in fact…


This year’s been tough and has left many turning to foodbanks for a helping hand. We reached out to our local The Trussell Trust Foodbank to see how we could support, in what would be, one their busiest months of the year.


Our Joint Managing Director, Peter spoke to the team at Fylde Foodbank at Warton Village Hall to see what their most in demand items were and delivered a bumper package to help those in the local area most in need. 


Basic toiletries, nappies and juice cartons were just some of the essentials that made up the delivery with the volunteers extremely grateful for the support. 


Following the donation, ICG received a letter of thanks from the volunteers which said: “It’s been a difficult and strange time for us all but we are proud at the foodbank, that whilst having to continually change our working practices, we have been able to remain open throughout the pandemic providing support to those in financial difficulty.”

Are you looking to help a local foodbank near you this festive season? Visit The Trussell Trust website to see how you can show your support.