Outstanding campaign leads to rush of orders

ICG won a creative pitch to provide design, PR and digital support to an industry leading educational resources provider in 2015 and now, 12 months on, the results have been hailed ‘outstanding’ by the client.

First on the to do list was to re-brand the Blackburn based company, which had been known as Educational Printing Services Limited for 40 years. With several separate offerings to various sectors within the education industry ICG got to work.

The result was a new suite of brand logos to define each section of the business, with the same underpinning book fan as the central aspect and a set colour palette for each. This was rolled out onto all relevant stationery.

The brand was then translated onto a full e-commerce website for the main brand – EPSL Education Printing, which allows teachers to choose from thousands of exercise book and educational resource options in just a few clicks. An on-going SEO and PPC campaign is already generating conversions with orders coming in from across the UK.

A solid PR and e-marketing strategy has been compiled with national press reporting on the new site and e-shots being sent to tens of thousands of current and potential clients at key buying times.

Charity link ups, competitions, internal documentation, advertising planning and buying, sponsorship partnerships and market research are all being implemented to continue raising awareness.

Following the huge success of all the projects to date, PR and social media teams have planned and are currently executing a full social media plan to launch and build Facebook and Twitter profiles for the company.

After a very busy year of planning and execution, the results are beginning to show with a marked increase in order size and volume and a huge uptake in services that have not previously been marketed.

ICG is busy planning the next wave of activity, which will include launching more services and sub-brands.

You can visit EPSL Educational Printing’s new website here.