Multi-channel marketing support

Ahead of the reopening of non-essential stores in England on the 15th June, ICG has been working in partnership with a number of our national shopping centre clients to ensure they have a toolkit of creative assets, PR statements and digital marketing plans ready to implement.


From slots on local radio stations, to video content and paid social media advertising  – we’ve been quick to react to the change in guidance and turnaround projects at short notice, to ensure consistency of messaging through to the end customer.


Amy Young, senior account manager comments “We’ve seen a shift in messaging and communication across the retail sector as businesses put into practice their reopening plans. Initially we saw less of a sales led ‘buy now’ focus, as brands included more content of a reassuring and personable nature. With the influx of summer sales and large discounts to clear stock, sales messages are coming back to the fore.


“Shoppers are faced with lots of decisions right now before they leave the comfort of their homes to go shopping, so it’s key to ensure that they have all the information they need when planning a visit. We’ve created dedicated sections on clients’ websites to house informative ‘welcome back’ content, including easy to digest infographic style visuals and short videos, and we’re looking at implementing other communication channels including live chat technology.”

To find out more about ICG’s work in the retail sector, please speak to Peter Cobley, email or call 01772 679383.