Spreading yoga love in 2017

There’s nothing like starting the New Year with fresh plans for a healthy lifestyle.

And that’s why we were thrilled to help North West yoga teacher Jo Eastham launch her first website.

Our Digital Team worked closely with Jo to create a digital presence to inspire yoga lovers.

Fully optimised for any device, the website provides a range of information from explaining the benefits of yoga to details about classes including regular group practises, ‘men only’ sessions and pregnancy yoga.

Our design team created a logo using the traditional yoga ‘om’ symbol in the colours of the chakras – the seven energy points within the body.

Jo commissioned her own photography to demonstrate her capabilities and provided information about her own yoga journey as well as her qualifications and experience.

Alongside client testimonials, the website include details about Jo’s Thai Yoga Massage, private yoga sessions as well as forthcoming retreats and events.

Feeling Inspired? Check out Jo’s website http://www.joeasthamyoga.co.uk

‘We all want to feel happy, calm and relaxed as well as preferably free from aches and pains but modern life often inhibits these goals.

Yoga teaches you to be mindful and enjoy and appreciate the moment and the time that there is.’ Jo Eastham Yoga