Take five with Beth

Tell us a little bit about your job?

As a Digital Marketing Executive, I work with a variety of clients to create paid and organic content, reach out to influencers, analyse website traffic and monitor campaigns. 
It’s so great to see content go live! 

If you weren’t working in digital marketing, what would you be doing?
I love what I do, but if I wasn’t working in Digital Marketing, I’d be creating and selling people pet illustrations! 

What’s on your desk right now?

My Weekly Planner (I can’t go a day without it), my water and a cup of tea! 

“I never let a day go by without…”

Taking my Labrador, Barnaby for a walk. 

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Do what you’re afraid to do.

What is an interesting fact about yourself?
Thanks to my grandma (Kathleen), by the age of eight, I had walked 18 Wainwrights. If you are looking for some hillwalking inspiration, check out Kathleen’s website called Best Foot Forward

Name five things you can’t live without?
My family and friends, Barnaby (my dog), a book and snacks! 

Finally, we’re about to put the kettle on, how would you like your brew?
Simple. A tea with milk please!