UCLan cJAM – Attracting the talent of the future.

On Friday 22 November, our Creative Director, Simon Couchman, attended the UCLan cJAM: Media event at Lancaster Uni.
Hosted by the Faculty of Culture and the Creative Industries, the showcase event enabled UCLan students to meet face-to-face with senior industry professionals to share ideas, make connections and pitch for opportunities. We went along to see if any of the students would be interested in joining ICG for a work placement in website development. 
UCLan cJAM - Attracting the talent of the future.
The day kicked off with some great keynote speakers including Dani Briers from ITV, Sewing Bee’s Patrick Grant and Joris van Hulzen, animation director of Peppa Pig! The students were then free to move around the room to connect with all the industry guests who’d attended the event.
Following a networking style lunch, the afternoon featured a speed pitching session where 12 students spent eight minutes presenting to our creative director on why the placement should go to them. Simon commented: “It was fast-paced and quite lively so an exciting environment for the students to experience.” Once all 12 students were interviewed, it was decision time, which was difficult due to the high-calibre of the students. 
In the end, Simon chose two students, Sean and Jonathan, who accepted their placements in a closing award presentation. 
UCLan cJAM - Attracting the talent of the future.
Sean and Jonathan will both be joining ICG for their placements in Spring 2020. 
We look forward to welcoming them to our agency and seeing their skills in action.