Anchors away for new Freightlink app

You can check your bank accounts, order your weekly shop and even track your daily calorie intake via mobile apps, so why not add ‘book a ferry route’ into the mix?

This is what ICG’s design team have helped “The Freight Ferry People”, Freightlink, achieve with the design of a brand new app available to download on Android’s Google Play and the Apple App Store. 

Mirroring the company’s existing brand, the app enables new and existing customers to book ferry routes with the touch of a button, syncing users’ online accounts and storing previous bookings for easy management while they’re on the move.

Whether it’s a truck driver or supply chain manager, users can choose from more than 550 ferry routes with over 40 different ferry operators. And that’s not all… the app also provides road directions to ferry ports across Europe with the option to contact one of Freightlink’s Account Managers for support where needed.

Mark Stephens, Director at Freightlink, said: “We wanted to develop a mobile phone app to make it easier for our clients to make ferry bookings quickly while they’re on the move. With the help of Sarah from ICG, we developed a series of prototypes and tested these with clients to come up with the final concept. 

“Our internal development team worked with Sarah to iron out the customer journey and to ensure key features were included. The app is now live and we have had some fantastic feedback from clients – in particularly how the app synchronises with ferry bookings made via the web.” 

You can find out more about Freightlink’s app here.

Freightlink is a leading European freight ferry ticket agent connecting more than 40 countries to couriers, hauliers, manufacturers and many other businesses – large and small – across the continent.