New branding for stockbrockers’ 130th anniversary

Bury based stockbroking partnership James Sharp approached ICG to develop a new look for their business as they approached their 130th anniversary. Capitalising on ICG’s integrated agency offering, James Sharp utilised design, digital and PR services ensuring a consistent and smooth project delivery.

A key requirement of the brief was to create a new identity that reflected James Sharp’s rich 130-year heritage and northern roots in Bury, Greater Manchester.

ICG implemented a new logo that referenced the brand’s founding year, 1885, and retained a corporate feel by integrating a subtle and refined colour palette of navy and copper. Bespoke photography, depicting architecture from around Bury town centre, can be seen across printed literature and the new website, further referencing the brand’s location.

James Sharp’s full suite of stationery, policy literature, downloadable documents and press advertisements have been redesigned and updated. ICG’s PR department also supported the team at James Sharp by creating copy for the website and assisted with direct mail project, helping to communicate with clients a number of key business changes.

In addition to the new printed materials ICG’s digital team, led by head of digital Dave Mallalieu, developed a responsive website using ICG’s bespoke content management system. The new website offers a concise overview of the business and incorporates real-time FTSE 100 and market share information.

The new branding continues to be rolled out and ICG is in the process of developing an email marketing campaign to be implemented later this spring.