Digital and Marketing Business of the Year 2023

Oh what’a night!


ICG was named Digital and Marketing Business of the Year at the BIBAs 2023.


To a packed audience at the glittering Blackpool Tower Ballroom, ICG took centre stage to pick up the coveted award from the North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce.


Simon Couchman, Managing Director of ICG, said: “We are absolutely delighted to be named Digital and Marketing Business of the Year 2023.


“It was an amazing night and great to catch up with so many friends and colleagues.


“The award reflects the hard work and commitment of everyone at ICG. Many thanks to organisers of the BIBAs for an incredible evening.”


The BIBAs judges were looking for evidence of business growth, vision, proven success, management, innovation and creativity as well as a commitment to the local community and local job creation.


ICG was also short-listed in the Service Business of the Year.


Digital and Marketing Business of the Year 2023