Find your new shopping centre marketing agency

ICG has worked with outlet and full price shopping destinations for over 14 years.

We understand the fast paced nature and the daily challenges of retail – developing destinations people want to visit, the impact and importance of footfall and sales, and reporting back to asset managers and scheme owners.

We have supported outlet and full priced shopping destinations all over the UK for more than 14 years and recognise the challenges and opportunities that exist.

We are extremely proud of our experience in bricks and mortar shopping destinations – we have walked the walk and shopped until we’ve dropped.

Clients and Shopping Centres we have worked with:

One agency, one brief

Do you love the thought of creating one brief and deploying it to your agency partner to bring your idea to life? That’s what we do at ICG.

We’re a fully integrated strategic marketing agency that thrives on results, long gone are the days of sending individual briefs to creative, digital and PR agencies.

ICG is a team of 22 people across four departments working as one: digital, creative, digital marketing and digital marketing.

Working closely with on-site teams and engaging with scheme asset managers and owners, we align your scheme’s long term vision and business plans with strategic marketing and campaign planning.

This is not a one-size fits all approach. We know that not all centres require the same level of marketing support and we work with schemes in various capacities, whether we are acting as the marketing lead or plugging gaps in resource. We focus on being an extension of your in-house team.

Creative for all occasions

Oh the Golden Quarter, the buzz from Black Friday (that starts earlier every year!) through to Christmas. We know this is a key period in the retail calendar but what about the rest of the year?

Our approach ensures all key retail periods and customer moments are covered, from half-term events to back to school, sale periods and more.

We deliver seasonal creative that resonates with the lives and experiences of the people who live in local communities and target catchment areas.

Aligning creative with your strategic vision and wider goals, we devise brand styles that work effectively across all customer touch points.

“When deadlines have become really tight you have always been very supportive and gone above and beyond to make sure you have never missed a deadline.”
Andrew Duncan – Realm Ltd

Regular on-site presence

As part of our retail marketing services, it’s important for our teams to be there on the ground. To get a feel for how things really are – to see it for ourselves so we can really add value to your business.

We travel to schemes nationwide to meet centre management teams, brand partners and stakeholders – planning activity, gathering content and importantly seeing how guests are behaving and interacting on-site.

We also provide support at events for press launches and crisis management.

“ICG fully understand the retail environment, the pain points and the challenges, and are always on hand to offer effective solutions.”
Laura Diffey – The Mall Blackburn

Engaging customers in digital spaces

Can’t put your phone down? Us too, and the same goes for your customers. Often a website or social media post is the first time a customer experiences your centre – we can help you make a great first impression.

We ensure all digital touch points are fully integrated within your wider marketing plan, supporting everything including website builds and uploading content, email marketing and social media scheduling, creative assets, content creation, community management and paid activity.

We also work with influencers and content creators on store launches and events to amplify campaigns to new audiences. From brainstorming concepts through to influencer selection, contract terms and reporting – we manage the project from start to finish.

Sustainability and social value

Shopping centres, retail destinations and mixed-use schemes are all making significant efforts in their sustainability and social value commitments.

No longer simply a place to go shopping, creating a positive impact with your local community and enhancing customer experiences is just as important.

ICG can help you research and develop partnerships with local charities, organisations and groups to raise the profile of your community and social-led initiatives. From wildflower planting to investing in recycled Christmas decorations, installing solar panels and better management of waste and energy, there’s a story to tell.