Take five with…Simon Couchman

Want the inside scoop on the ICG team? Each month we’re giving you the chance to find out a little bit more about us! First up, ICG’s creative director, Simon Couchman.

Tell us a little bit about your job I oversee all creative output at ICG, from new business pitches to approving artwork.

If you weren’t ICG’s creative director, what would you be doing? I can’t think of another job I’d rather be doing.

What’s on your desk right now? My iMac, laptop and iPhone, a Lego calculator, some pictures of my wife and daughter and a lot of paperwork!

I never let a day go by without Thinking I should be going out for a run.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Do or do not, There is no try. The advice of Yoda applies to everything I do!

What is an interesting fact about yourself? I hold the current Guinness World Record for the fastest marathon dressed as an Astronaut.

Name five things you can’t live without My wife, Jennifer. My daughter, Genevieve. My music collection. My love of Star Wars. My asthma Inhaler.

Finally, we’re about to put the kettle on, how would you like your brew? Frequent